

By Date
Eco-Tourism at Kayanase: Preserving Nature and Promoting Sustainability
July 29, 2024
Eco-Tourism at Kayanase: Preserving Nature and Promoting Sustainability

At Kayanase, our commitment to restoring and renewing degraded ecosystems is at the forefront of everything we do. With a growing interest in land-based learning and Indigenous knowledge, we are thrilled to be developing our Eco-Cultural Tourism programming to share these valuable experiences with visitors.

What to Plant in Your Garden to Support Pollinators
April 10, 2024
What to Plant in Your Garden to Support Pollinators

Pollinators are the unsung heroes of our ecosystem, playing a crucial role in the reproduction of plants. As pollinator populations face unprecedented declines, it's more important than ever to create havens in our gardens that welcome and support these vital creatures.


Growing Greener Futures: How We Collect and Protect Native Seeds

August 26, 2024
Growing Greener Futures: How We Collect and Protect Native Seeds


At Kayanase, we believe that each seed holds the promise of a greener, more sustainable future. Our certified seed collection efforts are more than just a task—they’re a commitment to preserving the biodiversity that sustains our planet. By carefully collecting and nurturing seeds, we play a crucial role in maintaining the health and resilience of native ecosystems, ensuring they thrive for generations to come.

Wondering how we do it? From the initial stages of forecasting and viability testing to the careful processing, quality control, and final preparations for planting, each step is designed to ensure that every seed we collect contributes to the vitality of our environment.

Let’s walk through the process together…


  1. Forecasting and Collection:

Our seed collection process begins long before the first seed is gathered. We carefully identify healthy populations of native species and closely monitor their development. This allows us to determine the perfect moment to collect seeds, which can vary depending on the species—from the early days of spring to the crisp, cool air of fall. By understanding the unique growth patterns of each plant, we ensure that every seed collected is at its peak, ready to contribute to a robust ecosystem.


  1. Viability Testing:

Before any seeds are collected, we conduct viability tests to ensure they’re fully developed and undamaged. This step is critical to maintaining the high quality of our seed collection. We use sustainable methods, such as hand-picking and eco-friendly tools, to gather seeds with minimal impact on the environment. Our approach ensures that while we collect seeds, we’re also protecting the plants and ecosystems they come from.


  1. Processing and Storage:

Once the seeds are collected, they’re brought back to our facility for processing. This can involve anything from macerating berries to separate seeds from the pulp to sifting dry seeds to remove debris. Depending on the species, some seeds are stored moist in coolers, while others are kept dry on shelves. Each seed is given the care it needs to remain viable until it’s ready to be planted.


  1. Quality Control and Tracking:

We take quality control seriously at Kayanase. After processing, seeds are stored according to their specific needs, whether in low-humidity airtight containers or moist conditions. Each batch is assigned a unique code, allowing us to track its origin and characteristics. This meticulous tracking system helps us maintain the genetic diversity that’s so crucial to the health of our ecosystems.


  1. Preparation for Planting:

Before seeds are planted, they undergo final preparations to ensure they’re ready to grow into strong, healthy plants. This may include stratification, which mimics winter conditions to break seed dormancy, or scarification, which helps seeds absorb water and nutrients more effectively. These steps are vital for ensuring successful germination and, ultimately, the growth of resilient plants.


Sowing the Seeds of Change

At Kayanase, our work is about more than just collecting seeds—it’s about cultivating a future where ecosystems thrive and biodiversity flourishes. By preserving native seeds, we’re helping to build resilience into the very fabric of our environment.

We invite you to be part of this journey. Whether you visit our greenhouse to see our work in action or share information about native seeds that need collecting, your involvement helps us grow greener futures, one seed at a time.